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The missing conversation about ending violence

- a film by ellen snortland -

the issue

The issue of ending violence against women and girls is a complicated one. The purpose of BEAUTY BITES BEAST
is to give women and girls tools to defend themselves while an assault is taking place, rather than expecting others to
rescue them. The film examines why empowerment self-defense is not as “normal” an idea as, for example, swimming lessons. Empowerment self-defense advocates, both women and men, have been systematically excluded from private and
public policy conversations. The foundational ideas of BEAUTY BITES BEAST are based on having empowerment self-defense advocates included at the “solve violence against women and girls” discussion tables around the world.

what they’re saying

Female elephants, lions… all are just as fierce in self-defense as males. Only our species is taught to be ‘feminine’ and defenseless. BEAUTY BITES BEAST shows how women around the world are taking back our strengths and lives.

– Gloria Steinem
what they’re saying

I thought self-defense was victim blaming. I also believed that self-defense was violent, for tomboys, not what a nice girl should ever do. I had it so wrong! What BEAUTY BITES BEAST showed me, in a truly transformative way, was that self-defense is about my right and capacity to set and protect my own boundaries. You will laugh, you may tear up, but you will definitely walk away enlightened.

– Petra Hand, Global Issues Consultant
what they’re saying

I cannot put into words how emotional and moving BEAUTY BITES BEAST was for me, but I can say that I cried at least three times. To finally get that my life IS valuable, worth fighting for, and that it IS okay to set boundaries for myself makes me feel like I’m not alone. BEAUTY BITES BEAST really validated this for me in a powerful way, and it should be seen by women and men of all ages.

– Shanda Poitra
what they’re saying

At various times in my life I have been sexually attacked, date raped, stalked, sexually abused by medical professionals, physically abused by a partner, and sexually harassed in the workplace countless times. I have lived my life believing that all these were part and parcel of being female… until I saw BEAUTY BITES BEAST! My eyes are now open.

– Shari D., Toronto
what they’re saying

BEAUTY BITES BEAST is extremely persuasive. It collects all conceivable objections and reluctance to self-defense training for women and dispatches them one by one with wit and solid info.

– John Stoltenberg, Gender Justice advocate and author
what they’re saying

Ellen has created a masterpiece in BEAUTY BITES BEAST. The film sheds light on a dark subject by using humor while featuring the most pragmatic solution to date. Women protecting themselves from violence is common sense, and adopting these concepts helps to achieve gender equality by empowering women and girls with tools that have been taken away by our society’s Helpless Princess mentality.”

– UNA Pasadena President Daria Makuch
what they’re saying

Watching BEAUTY BITES BEAST forced me to look at the things I hadn't done in my life because of fear. That fear is gone now, I’m once again out in the world, and I am forever grateful to this film for what it sparked and awakened in me. I feel free, I’m lighter and filled with unexplainable joy: from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

– Audience Member
what they’re saying

The entertaining and motivational film BEAUTY BITES BEAST empowers women to learn self-defense and be their own protectors. We can't stop all predators from assaulting and raping women, but we can teach women how to protect themselves. As a survivor of a sexual assault when I was a teenager, I encourage women to watch this film and take back control of their lives by learning self-defense.

– Emily Moser, self-defense advocate
what they’re saying

Bravo: BEAUTY BITES BEAST is excellent! Unquestionably it has the power to alter the viewer’s reality and definitely move them into action with regard to self-defense for women. It also creates a larger context of providing women and girls a particular space that has been missing so they can completely engage in and fulfill their commitments in life. I applaud your film — I applaud your commitment — I applaud the difference you are making. I want as many people as possible to see this film and have it be recognized.

– Tracy Goss, author of “The Last Word On Power”
what they’re saying

As a first-generation Sri Lankan woman I've been conditioned to be submissive, but BEAUTY BITES BEAST has taught me the importance of learning self-defense and for standing up for myself! Ellen's terrific book and movie have empowered me to become a stronger feminist, and I will be forever grateful for that.

– Shreedha N. Hordagod, student and Community Organizer
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