Here are leads for you when “shopping” for a self-defense course. We’ll be developing guidelines for you to follow at a later date.

Ellen Snortland, the director and writer of BEAUTY BITES BEAST, got her original empowerment self-defense training from IMPACT Personal Safety of Los Angeles and that is her “mothership.” That said, Ms. Snortland does not believe that IMPACT training is the only way to train. However, she endorses it whole-heartedly! In addition, going to the IMPACT Personal Safety page will give you access to live links for many other full force, full impact self-defense courses.

NWMAF Instructors
This link to the NWMAF does not imply their endorsement of BEAUTY BITES BEAST. However, the NWMAF certification process is rigorous and endorses the aims of this film: culturally sensitive, age and body appropriate, accessible, affordable and portable.
Self-Defense and Empowerment Organizations
Some of the following groups have “suited instructors”, and some don’t. The producers have direct friendships with everyone listed below.
Defend YourselfLauren Taylor
Dynamis TrainingGer O’Dea, Annette Helberg
Fierce and FemaleMelissa Soalt (Dr. Ruthless)
Girls Fight BackBrian JK Regan
Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower InternationalIrene van der Zande
Marlborough School for GirlsLos Angeles, CA
National Women’s Martial Arts FederationSusan "George" Schorn (Chair)
No Means No WorldwideLee Paiva
Paradox Self-DefenseLisa Scheff
Peace Over ViolencePatti Giggans
SAFE internationalChris Roberts
See Jane Fight BackJill Cermele & Martha McCaughey
Sun Dragon Martial Arts And Self-Defense, NFPSensei Joy Williamson, Executive Director & Head Instructor